Sunday, August 10, 2008

The big O

Here are five webbish things about the Olympics, apart from the logo (pictured). (Display with thanks to Missy and Janman).

In the spirit of Chinese copyright cavalier use is made of the mascots. Bei Jing huan ying ni. Beijing welcomes you:

During the opening ceremony virtual displays were integrated into physical ones, and included crowd participation through light and noise. Very.. hyperrealistic.

TVNZ has the rights to the coverage in NZ including online, so youtube has been geoblocked here. Meanwhile, despite promises, the Communist Party is still blocking access to the Internet.

Wikipedia has a running commentary of every event and athlete. And country, and venue, and medal. And of course every related topic is hyperlinked.

Spectators load their experiences online and this is pushed about by bloggers everywhere, including here. During the parade of nations some athletes waved flags; one team official talked into his cellphone.

Timekeepers and other measuring devices beam their data near instantaneously to the International Space Station where it is adjudicated upon by four astronauts and a supercomputer. Okay, I'm kidding about this last one, the astronauts are just decorations.


The Graf Boys - Clyde and Steve said...

Thought you might like to know there was a Virtual Child singing the song at the Opening Ceremony. The real one was apparently too fat and (dare I say it?) had a couple of teeth missing. Unacceptable to the politburo.

SoAndSo said...

Yes, virtual child, virtual fireworks - anything else and i'll start to believe the moon landing was a hoax.