Now, what have we now? The horrible Interweb. It will ruin our youth and drive us all to distraction. Mark my words. Ahh yee ooh, the fangle, the fraught of today. When I was a young fuddler we had ourselves a telebox. We'd all sit around it together and hold hands and bath in the bluelight, except when we were frying our bananas in the radiation. We queued up to turn the knobs. Oh what a thrill we got! Two channels. And that Dougal fellow, so handsome, such an authority on world events. How he travelled. Such hair! Pass the bananas.
Ahh...tee vee... those were the days. Have heard you can now heat popping corn into popped corn status just by aiming four ringing cellphones at it. Hmm, scary.
that so deserves to be true. memo to brain: line pocket with lead.
Ahh yes. Dougal Stevenson. Theres a blast from the past. He went to 'know-wheres-ville' after so long on the box...and now he's turned up making a dick of himself on the Primo ads...
poor ol doog.. bytheby, speaking of nostalgia: hope yoos enjoy the link behind the pic.. i havent seen that for a while
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