Am amazed at the range of opinions here, shown on this course. Even within this relatively small, relatively homogeneous professional group there's been quite a nuanced range of reactions to each Thing. Take, say, just at random, wiki..
There's been assured, positive, very positive, convinced, almost-convinced, musing-on-possibilities, for-it, furthering-it, practical, useful-buttish, cautiously-enthusiastic, wonderstruck, gushing, zealous (that'd be me then), nonplussed, double-nonplussed, doubting, more-against-than-for, more-for-than-against, fun-but-not-serious, not-convinced, against, rabidly-against..
And when you factor in how these positions are still evolving, and will keep doing so.. and multiply them by the opinions of the other 22Things.. and how all the applications are all constantly developing too, and their synergies.. well, we'll definitely need more oranges.

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